This is a fun recipe that uses langostino tails to make a tasty bisque. I use Aleppo pepper in this which is about half a hot as crushed red pepper. It...
Mmm, good! Oakies version of clam chowder. Don't forget the saltines! Add one more jar of clam juice, for those of you who like it clammy -- I know that's...
At Terrôir restaurant at the Craggy Range winery, chef Sara Simpson flavors her lush seafood soup with port, red wine and the usual dash of licorice-scented...
Wonton Noodle soup is a traditional Cantonese meal served as a hearty breakfast or lunch. These wontons, made from seasoned pork and shrimp, are the actual...
This cream of crab soup is so rich and delicious! I make this a lot, especially in the winter with some nice, hot rolls! Use more Old Bay to suit your...
A friend who used to work as a chef shared this yummy and oh, so simple recipe with me. You may substitute half-and-half or evaporated milk for the cream...
Restaurant style comfort food directly from Maine that is easy to make and wonderful to eat!! Any white fish such as haddock may be used in place of the...
A really delicious and authentic stew of squid in a red wine sauce. This is great served with boiled long-grain rice or French fries. Good for a special...
A really delicious and authentic stew of squid in a red wine sauce. This is great served with boiled long-grain rice or French fries. Good for a special...
This is an amazing soup, and fairly simple to make. One recommendation is to keep the cooking time down on this one. The soup goes from a wonderful light,...
A really delicious and authentic stew of squid in a red wine sauce. This is great served with boiled long-grain rice or French fries. Good for a special...
This fish soup is SO SIMPLE, DELICIOUS, and amazingly HEALTHY for you! You can make it with things you probably already have in your fridge and is great...
Mildly spicy seafood soup. You could substitute an equal amount of crab meat or cooked sliced lobster for the shrimp. Use dry sherry to flavor instead...
This delicious and creamy recipe is quick to make at the last minute. It's out of the ordinary, but definitely an eye opener. Try it, you won't be disappointed!...
This recipe was given to me by the dear woman who taught me how to cook. It is so tasty and always a crowd favorite! I can't tell you how many people ask...
Despite its name, this Pinoy pancit dish has no noodles, just wonton-like dumplings in place of the noodles. It is a soup dish served as a snack or as...
The aroma is out of this world. This Asian-inspired recipe yields very generous helpings, and is chock-full of veggies and lean protein. Lemongrass and...
This crab soup recipe mirrors the traditional crab soups made by Baltimore women over the last 50 years. It is a milder-flavored, lighter-colored soup...